4 Things Not to Forget to Bring Camping!

I am just back from a scout camping trip with my two boys aged 12 & 7.  It was a fantastic trip to the beautiful Lough Key Forest Park.  We were staying in the nearby Lough Keel Scout camp.

When travelling with children there are just some things that make life a lot easier!

1   Healthy Snacks to Keep the Hunger at Bay!


When you are on camping trips that have organised events and dedicated meal times it is important, when you have hungry kids, to have healthy snacks to fill the gaps between the meals.  Of course every camp will have delicious smores and chocolate biscuits but also having some healthy snacks keep the kids sustained for longer during the day time.

I made some really healthy energy balls for myself and some delicious brownies for my boys.  The brownies are made from a recipe I borrowed from Connemara Organic Seaweed Company and are made with peanut butter, cocao powder, seaweed and some other delicious ingredients.  My 7 year old does not eat peanuts or seaweed but when they are mixed in this recipe he cannot get enough of them!!!  Yea I know I am a sneaky Mum but I also have two very hungry boys (they take after their Mother there!!).

2  A natural insect repellent.

I use one made with natural essential oils, that way I don’t mind putting it all over my face and neck.   I have very sensitive skin and make my own beauty products for this reason.

Because we were in a forest area I covered myself and the kids with the essential oil  blend and we managed to stay bite free this weekend.  What a relief!

3 An extra layer of clothes for bed time.

Despite the average for the time of year temperatures, night times in tents can be cooler, especially if you are a cold creature like me!   I have been reliably informed that it is not advisable to leave the same clothes on at night that you have had on during the day!  This one is a hard sell to my 12 year old who would only be too happy to do this!   It really is good to have plenty of layers for night time wear and special socks only for night time use!

At least with layers you can add or take off whichever is needed.

4  Spare bags for wet shoes/socks and anything else!

Even if there isn’t a shower in sight shoes and socks can get wet from spills, water sports or anything else that children can find themselves up to!

There is nothing worse than leaving wet shoes on top of the only spare clothes you have or finding a wet sock wrapped up in a towel!   Plastic bags or any space bags are good for putting wet things in, which saves everything else in the tent from getting destroyed by smells or water!!

It is essential to have fun on a camp, that is the whole point and simple choices can certainly help this be achieved!

Most kids love camping for the sheer freedom and for the friends they naturally make.

There are lots of camp sites throughout Ireland, always make a list of your expectations before you go of what you want the campsite to have and find one that suits your needs.   Some are closer to shops than others and some have more facilitites.  Doing your homework before you go will ensure your trip will be more enjoyable for everyone.

Happy Summer holidays to you all – my aim is to have the best Summer ever!

Until next time … keep the faith,

Dolores Andrew-Gavin, Author, Owner of IrishHealthHour, Energy Therapist, Essential Oil Lover and Mum.


It’s a Mindset Thing – 4 Steps To Freedom!

Mindset and being mindful are real buzz words at the moment and in my opinion, rightly so!  Every time I get stopped in my tracks in the middle of a project, a conversation or anything that makes me shrink back into my shell, I know I am getting stuck in my mind!

I teach mindfulness and emotional intelligence to children and it is wonderful to see how they react when they realise that by changing the way they act they can get a better result for themselves!   Children are like sponges and in general until about the age of 11 will gladly participate in cool ways to explore their mind!  

Number 1 for me in relation to mindset is simply awareness.   I am talking a real awareness that it IS a mindset thing.   Just say out loud, or in your head, next time you shrink from something; feel like you are not good enough or decide to give up on a project.   It’s a mindset thing!    That 2 seconds it takes to say this to yourself is enough to stop the mind clatter and to bring you back into the present moment where all the action is happening anyway.    It’s a mindset thing.

Number 2 Name it, if you can!   What is it that is stopping me?   Where is it located … hint can you feel it in your stomach, in your head, in your heart, what does it make you feel like?  Do you feel unworthy, too tired, too overwhelmed, too under educated?    

When you name something, although you limit it somewhat, you get an understanding of what it is you can work on.   Maybe you need a rest, a walk, maybe you need to take a course or maybe you are letting what you think other people think about you fuel your actions!   Even the realisation that you are giving your power away like that may be enough to make you think twice!!!  It’s a mindset thing! 

Number 3 own the story you have now discovered.   You don’t have to tell anyone but just own it or in other words, admit it to yourself.   If you decide to tell someone make that be a decision for yourself.   Bear in mind you may get someone else’s judgement about your story!

When you own the story you are taking your power back over it.   You have confirmed to yourself that it is a mindset thing and you then have the choice to change it!

Number 4 is taking action.    You have become aware of it, named it and owned it, the only thing left to do is take action.  Yes this is the getting out of the comfort zone bit, the pushing through the barriers, the overcoming fears, the putting up boundaries to protect your self worth, developing better self worth and so on.

There are lots of self help tools to help us along the way to taking action.  Here is a complementary lesson on Emotional Freedom Technique, or maybe you would prefer a chakra meditation.   And yes for those of you that know me, there is an oil for that!!!

Until next time … know that it is a mindset thing and mindset things can be changed!

Dolores Andrew-Gavin, Author, Empowerment & Assertive Coach, Energy Therapist & Soul Care Practitioner.


A Fine Dining Experience At 56Central

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We are what we eat

To describe a meal at 56Central as a fine dining experience is an understatement.

So what’s the secret?

So why is it that we are what we eat?   Well because everything is energy and everything energetic vibrates at a frequency, as human beings with an energy body we vibrate at different frequencies too! If we are feeling sick, stressed or under the weather our frequency is low and we might be advised to eat some chicken soup or take a hot drink! There is a feel good factor to eating something we like and it starts with the aroma. When we smell something, receptor cells in our nose send the messenger molecules right into our brain and, if we like the smell can trigger happy memories. We might remember Granny’s apple pie or an ice cream cone on the beach as a child on a family holiday.

When we are feeling happy and are healthy we vibrate at a high frequency.   Well it’s the same with the food we eat.   Pick up a vegetable past its sell by date and you can imagine its vibration!

High vibration food

When food is sourced locally, picked and cooked without having to travel long distances, its vibration remains higher than if the food had to travel a long distance and risk exposure to something negative on its journey.

At 56Central, almost all of the food on the menu is sourced locally and cooked in a happy kitchen!!! Its obvious from the moment you walk into the restaurant that you are in for a great tasting high vibrational heart based meal.     We are immersed in an attitude of Gratitude from the get go!   The staff wears t-shirts with “Gratitude” written on them!

There is a heart drawn on the wall at the entrance and this is where the journey starts. From here a “blood line” in the form of a ribbon travels around the restaurant like a meridian field of energy, bringing love from the heart centre into the heart chakra of each room, where it explodes with creativity and connection.

The rooms

In the garden room we merge with the element of nature. We can choose to dine in the Site where Food is the theme.   We can flow into the art room where we merge with our own creative centre immersed in the theme of art and culture.   We enter the field of connection and love when we choose to eat in the vault, ingredients that every meal most definitely benefit from!

How could we not enjoy our food in such a wonderful place with such happy positive energy!!!

Where is 56Central

56Central is situated in the heart of Galway City. As a Galwegian I have fond memories of the establishments that were insitu in the past in this premises. I can honestly say how wonderful it is that such vibrant energy can be brought to a long standing establishment, in which part of the old wall of the City of the Tribes holds up the central Processo bar.

One of Gill’s ambitions when she opened her first restaurant at 37West was to make healthy food the new sexy! With 56Central her aim was to connect people back to why they eat and to choose locally sourced foods where possible. I can assure you a visit to 56Central leaves you in no doubt that Gill has surpassed her goals.

The Food!

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On the night to start the juices flowing we were treated to Elderflower Prosecco on arrival.   As we took our seats as per the table plan we were greeted personally with a handwritten note from Gill to welcome us.

The food that followed included delicacies from local butchers Collerans, whose mincemeat was used for the perfectly cooked beef burgers. They were served on Jeremy Les Petit Doucher mini brioche buns with a serving of Ballymaloe Relish to excite the taste buds. We had 56 Central Cuinneog buttermilk Chicken served with greens, another delightful treat.

There was scrummy 56Central homemade gluten free bread, baked ham from Castlemine butchers who also provided the sausage meat for the sausage sliders served with Lizzi’s piccalilli. The honey was from Loughrea Honey and the delicious and tasty Prosecco and Tarragon Mustard was from The Lodge Barna.   There were no complaints about a little more Prosecco being added to the menu!

This was followed by a most delicious serving of spicy potato bravas, Galway Goat Farm cheese served with beetroot piccalilli and garnishes.   We had mini fish cakes made with Alis Fish Market Fish and naturally gluten free nacho canapés from Blanco Ninos.

Then came dessert!   We had a sweet selection from Sugar and Spice with a host of goodies including mini mint areo, caramel, mini brownie and mallows and a delicious giant cup cake with frosting.

There is a lovely buzz about this fabulous restaurant that makes you feel satisfied in lots of ways and most especially being part of its vibrant energy.

Well done to Gill who made me feel proud of dining in my beautiful City and proved to us all that the West is most certainly Awake!

Until next time .. keep the faith

Dolores Andrew-Gavin, Author, Energy Therapist & Soul Care Practitioner


The Story of The Ugly Duckling.

“What have I done to feel like such an outcast?” the ugly duckling asks.

When we find ourselves stuck in a rut, alone or when we feel blocked in some way we may find we end up knocking on the wrong doors for help, time and time again.   And we continue to get the same experiences as we keep knocking on those same doors.

A feeling of not belonging

How often do we meet people who feel like they don’t belong and don’t know where to begin to find the right door to knock on?

The ugly duckling was born the way she was and her strength of character will come to the fore when she realises that she is good enough the way she is.   She doesn’t have to prove her worth to those around her.   Yes she will be ridiculed and made fun of and feel like she doesn’t belong but, she will find her power when she overcomes the demons of feeling like a victim. When she realises there is no right door to knock on she can transform from victim to victor. When she realises the right door to knock on is inside of herself.   It doesn’t mean there is no help from outside, but the real work for doing is on the inside.

Transcending the Victim Archetype

It is not guaranteed to be an easy journey and we may feel like we are walking a fine line at times dodging bullets from every corner. But this constant striving makes us stronger. Imagine the amount of pressure and striving pure carbon has to endure before producing a diamond? Do we think the ugly duckling would think the effort worth it when she looks in the mirror and sees that she is a beautiful swan after all and, in fact always has been?

We can transcend the victim archetype and grow into its’ more positive energetic state.   We can find the tools we need to help us unblock and release whatever is needed.

What is the gem of wisdom inside the pearl of instinctual knowledge?

The first step is finding out what lesson we need to learn.   What golden nuggets are hidden in the shadows of our internal world?   Do we need to heal from old wounds? Do we need to stand in our power and speak our truth?  Do we need to accept help from others for our journey?

We want to always keep moving forward in an attempt to unblock whatever stagnant energy there is. Is it fear?   Do we perceive a situation though a veil of deception handmade for us by an outdated society or an old fashioned model of how we are expected to behave? Maybe, just maybe things are not as bad as they seem but we just can’t see that because our intuitive, gut instinct is blocked. We can’t see the beauty underneath the veil of illusion.

Becoming grounded

We can start our journey from a place of groundedness. We can move into our relationships, our creativity in mind, body and soul.   We can move up into our power centre, through our heart centre and heal the wounds so we can speak our truth.   We can begin to see the illusions and deceptions for what they are and, finally unite with the all-inclusive universal energy, ready to warp its warm shawl of energy around us. We can transform our internal ugly duckling into the most wondrous version of ourselves imaginable.

Every journey starts with a first step, it just takes a glimmer of hope, a dazzle of light, a walk on the wild side, a journey to our truth and the best version of ourselves we can be.

Until next time. keep the faith,

Dolores Andrew-Gavin, Author, Soul Care Practitioner, EFT and Reiki Master Practitioner and Aromatherapy Specialist.

I help people get their mojo back!


5 Things That Stand in the Way To Being Authentic

When we are being authentic we are being true to ourselves in a way that feels right for us. We have firm foundations and healthy boundaries. We don’t need to get entangled in negative agendas.

Unconsciously at times we can get in our own way.   Here are some pitfalls where we jeopardise authentic living: –

  • 1 Comparing Ourselves With Others

We can waste a lot of our energy plugging into other’s people lives checking out what they are doing and comparing ourselves to them in a negative way. No two people are the same and we are not meant to be…. it’s just the way it is!

Admiring someone for what they achieve and having positive role models is wonderful as long as we tune in, in a way that is authentic to ourselves.   We may then decide to mirror some of the qualities we like about that person but we follow our own path wholeheartedly and authentically whilst embracing those qualities.

We don’t always know what is going on in another person’s life.   The person we admire is likely to have his or her own trials and tribulations to get through. We can sometimes project onto others what we feel they have or don’t have but this is coming from us and not them.

Sometimes we just need to take stock and see the situation for what it really is.   Maybe we need to up skill ourselves, boost our self-confidence or feelings of worthiness. No amount of comparing ourselves with another will change us, it is only our actions that can do that.

  • 2 Allowing Someone’s Opinion Define Us.

When we allow the opinions of others define us we are giving our power away to them.   It is as if we are “a puppet on a string” and they are the ones pulling the strings. Not a nice thought is it?

An opinion is exactly what it is and whilst we are all entitled to opinions it is important not to live by someone else’s opinion of us.

Being authentic means doing something that feels right for us and sometimes those actions do affect others in ways they may not like.   We may upset the apple cart so to speak in a relationship, when we change from being the victim to being victorious. Ultimately the choice is ours; do we follow our path or allow others define it for us?

The demon of fear will most likely raise its head when change is on the horizon but remembering that being authentic is doing what resonates with us with good intent is paramount. Fear is just an emotion, it is energy in motion. It gets triggered at times to protect us, do we fight or do we flight?

In any situation ask what being authentic requires from us. Oftentimes courage is called for; the courage to speak out; the courage to make a leap of faith; the courage to receive.

  • 3 Following the collective crowd

Because everyone else is doing it, isn’t always the best reason to do something!   Life is not a one size fits all.   We all have our strengths and weaknesses and that is just the way it is.

When we are living authentically we are doing something because it resonates with us. It feels right and we are doing it because of this.   We may feel the collective crowd is looking at us; most likely they are but mostly it will be in admiration for our courage.

We may follow the collective because we see an outcome that we want for ourselves.   But again remember each of our paths will be woven differently; each with its own cliffhangers and golden beaches, all lessons to be learned and treasures to be found.   The path least travelled is often the one which offers the best co-ordinates.   We are all unique and can be proud to walk authentically.

  • 4 Not listening to our gut instinct

If it feels right inside then it generally is right!   How often do we say, “I should have listened to my gut”.   Our body has its’ own intelligence and is constantly sending us signals to guide us in the right direction.     If we are too busy or shut off from our body we won’t be able to hear these subtle messages.

Often times we will hear the words to a song that resonate or notice a bumper sticker on a car.   Robert Moss calls it “sidewalk tarot” and it is amazing to open to those messages.

If we are at a crossroads and don’t know which turn to take, tuning in to what feels right is often the only thing we need do.   If the result of our choice makes it good for everyone but ourselves we are falling into old patterns that may well be outdated and keeping us stuck and not allowing us move forward to live authentically.

  • 5 Trying too hard

When we try too hard we are forcing something to happen.   When we are aligned with our own (soul) agenda things come easier and without the tug of war feeling inside.   This doesn’t mean there won’t be obstacles but we will have the resources to deal with them.

Trying too hard usually indicates trying to do something to please someone else.   Are we trying too hard to be nice?   Are we trying too hard to be like someone we compare ourselves to?

Why not stop and just be ourselves?

Our uniqueness is what will make us shine not our sameness.

So today lets have the courage to stand out from the crowd and let our own light shine.   A small choice as long as it is ours.   Notice how the power is within all the time, we just need to harness it authentically.

Until next time,

Dolores Andrew-Gavin, Mum, Health and Wellness blogger, Author, Soul Care Practitioner and co-founder of @irishhealthhour.


Taking Ownership in the Story of Our Life


We often hear people talking about the road less travelled. Have you ever wondered what that actually means? Or maybe you asked the question “Why would anyone want to walk a road less travelled?” Sounds lonely there… right?

We can feel safe on our familiar path despite the thorns and briars, which can be strangling us in some way and holding us back. Maybe we are in a job that is highly stressful and we find we don’t have the energy to do anything when we get home. We have no motivation for family life we just want to check out.   Maybe we constantly seek the approval of others, paying more attention to what they think about us that we think about ourselves.

At some stage we begin to realise that the only way to get away from the thorns and briars that are strangling us is to take ownership of our own path.   Maybe we just need to clear a few briars, remembering though we need to get rid of them at the roots.   There is no good just trimming a thorn or briar it will just grow back stronger and stronger. It may seem like they are sheltering us but if we look closely enough we may find they are hindering our progress.

Taking ownership can be scary.. it’s taking the road less travelled. But we all have it in us to take ownership and change the reality of the road ahead.   We may need to acquire some tools. Something to cut the briars and thorns as we go.

The first step to taking ownership is to look at what part we play in a story in our life that we want to change.   Are we playing the role of the victim, the saboteur or the overbearing mother/father?   Do we want to change our role and become the hero of our own life? Do we want to take the energy we are using in staying stuck behind briars and thorns and put it to better use on the road where the co-ordinates better match our goals?

Maybe it is time to pack the toolbox with what we need to start the journey of taking ownership so we can change the road ahead, the first step is always the hardest, it does get easier.

For more information on upcoming courses contact Dolores Andrew-Gavin at www.celticsoulessence.com,

Dolores Andrew-Gavin is an Author, Soul Care Practitioner and doTerra Wellness Advocate.


Seven Essential Travel Oils .. To Support & Maintain Your Body Systems

One of the wonderful things about essential oils is the diversity of ailments, which any single oil can support.   This is because they are made up of many different chemical components, each with its own unique job. Essential oils work both at a physical and an emotional level.

Most oils can be applied topically (some diluted), taken internally or diffused.

A handy way to take essential oils internally when travelling is to put them in empty gel capsules.

1          Cypress

For all things to do with the circulatory system Cypress is an essential oil to have.   It also helps support the body with water retention. This oil can be applied to ankles and legs while flying. Apply with carrier oil like fractionated coconut oil in upward flowing movements from the ankles to the knees for support on long flights.   This blend can be applied as often as needed.

It also supports with cramps and so makes participating in extreme sports or extra walking while on holiday’s possible. The oil can be applied to affected sore areas.  

It is also good to support nosebleeds, diarrhoea and nervous tension.

The cost of Cypress is €13.50 wholesale

2 Digestzen

This is the go to oil for all digestive issues.   When we travel to different countries we are exposed to all sorts of different foods and beverages and sometimes, as a result our digestive system can respond in not so pleasant ways!

Whether it is heart burn, indigestion or diarrhoea the essential oil of Digestzen supports and maintains the abdomen to stay healthy and bring relief from nasty tummy bugs which can be picked up when on holidays.

It is also a fantastic blend for motion sickness.

Digestzen can be applied topically to the soles of the feet as a preventative measure to maintain the digestive system.

This oil blend can be applied topically or taken internally.

The cost of this blend is €30.00 wholesale.

3 Terrashield

This fabulous little bug buster can be used on your body or diffused into the air to keep all sorts of flying creatures at bay.

It is also good to put in the corners of windowsills or around doors of apartments to keep cockroaches at bay and any other creepy crawlies that may be lurking around and looking for a way into your room.

Because it is a natural product you are not putting anything toxic into the environment.

It smells good also so you wont mind having its’ pleasant aroma on your body.

The cost of this blend is €8.50 wholesale.

4 OnGuard

This is an immune buster extraordinaire!   At the first sign of a compromised immune issue from a sore throat to a pain in your head OnGuard steps in as gatekeeper to surround and protect the body on a physical and emotional level.   It is also a good oil for cold sores, bladder infections and Candida.

On a physical level when diffused it maintains healthy air in our surroundings and has the ability to decrease the amount of pathogens we breathe.

Sometimes on holidays we may find that we have to share toilet facilities, shower areas or kitchens and this is a great oil to have nearby to put on door handles or surfaces to prevent germs being picked up.  There is a recommendation below for making an easy antibacterial wipe.

The cost of this blend is €30.00 wholesale

5 Lavender

Lavender is one of the most versatile of the oils when travelling. It can be used to sooth sunburn, aid with jet lag and nervous tension.

It can be applied topically to the skin, diffused or taken internally.   When travelling a drop of Lavender on a tissue or cotton wool pad together with uplifting Wild Orange can make travelling less stressful and more pleasant.

Lavender also offers supports with headaches and heat stroke.   All essential oils should be kept out of direct sunlight and preferably in a dark case.

The cost of this oil is €18.00 wholesale.

6 Chamomile

Chamomile is another great calming oil.   It can be applied to a bee/hornet sting with great results and is good to apply to support any type of skin rash.   It supports the body in recovering from jet lag and can be applied topically to the temples.

Along with Lavender it is a good oil to maintain good skin and can double up as a day and night cream when travelling.   It can be diluted with a carrier oil like fractionated coconut oil, which is a very pure oil, which has many therapeutic qualities in itself.

The cost of this oil is €30.00 wholesale.

7 Balance

Travelling can be stressful at times and the blend of Balance with its’ tree ingredients make it a great blend to aid with travelling blues which can happen when planes get delayed, children get restless or the time difference leads to exhaustion.

It is a wonderful oil to use as part of a daily regime first thing in the morning to bring a feeling of being grounded as it helps with feeling capable of getting through a day which otherwise may seem overwhelming.

The cost of this oil is €20.00 wholesale.

Dehydration blend:

A good dehydration blend to carry with you is to get a litre glass bottle of water.   Add to this about 8 – 9 teaspoons of sugar and ½ teaspoon of salt. Add about 8 drops of Lemon oil to the blend.

Indigestion blend:

2 drops Peppermint                      2 drops Ginger

2 drops Lavender                          4 drops fractionated coconut oil

Dilute the oils with the coconut oil and apply to your abdomen. Alternatively you can mix in a larger amount and put in a roller bottle.

Bacterial wipes:

Add a drop or two of Onguard to boiling water in a bowl. Place a face cloth in the bowl.   Leave for a few minutes and wring it out so that it is damp but not dripping.

Place in a zip lock back and use when needed.

You have a natural antibacterial wipe, which you can wash out and re use whenever you need.

All the above oils are doTerra essential oils and are Certified Pure Therapeutic Grade.   If you are using another brand please check the label on the bottle for correct use.

If you want any more information on the above oils or want to purchase them please check out my web site at http://mydoterra.com/doloresandrewgavin.

Please be sure to ask me so I can show you how to get them at 25% wholesale price.

The above information is not meant to substitute any diagnose or to cure any medical illness. You should always check with your physician if you are feeling ill.

Until next time .. Dolores Andrew-Gavin, Author  Soul Care Practitioner doTERRA Wellness Advocate (doloresagavin@gmail.com)


Six doTerra oils for The Summer

Here are six doTerra oils to have handy in your handbag, around the house and when travelling.

1. Terrashield

A  natural repellent blend. This is a truly wonderful oil for keeping away anything that bites.   The Lemon Eucalyptus, which is included in the blend, is insecticidal and is particularly useful for keeping away cockroaches, silverfish and other insects.

This blend also contains Citronella and Lemongrass.

How to apply: You can dilute with fractionated coconut oil and apply directly to the body.   If you are out and about you can put it on your face, neck and any other exposed area. It is safe to use on children topically.

This oil can also be diffused to keep bugs away.

A terrific little oil, which costs €8.50 (wholesale price)

2. Lavender

The summer season means we are hopefully exposed to lots of sunshine!   That can mean sun burn unfortunately even on days when the sun doesn’t come out!   We can get windburn from the sea so if we are out and about on a boat it is always good to keep sun cream on.

Lavender is an ideal oil to have handy for any area that gets too much sun. It is soothing and calming to the skin and can support a badly burned area from scarring. If there are any blisters in an area it is best to apply the oil to the soles of the feet, a wonderful fast way to get the effects of any of the oils.

As well as its’ skin benefits Lavender also supports the cardiovascular system, the nervous system and the emotional system.

How to apply: Can be applied topically, it is also a good oil to diffuse to instill calmness.

Can be diluted with Lemon and Peppermint to support allergies.

Price €18.00 (wholesale)

3. Peppermint

Peppermint has a wonderful cooling affect on a hot sunny day.   It can be added to your water as a refreshing drink (doTerra’s Peppermint is safe to take internally).

How to apply: You can also put some on the back of your neck, chest or any other area if you are feeling hot and bothered!

You could also apply to the bottoms of the feet for a cooling effect.

Peppermint can be diffused during long hot summer nights.

Peppermint supports the digestive system, the respiratory system, the nervous system and supports muscles and bones.

Can be diluted with Lemon and Lavender to support allergies.

Price €17.50 (wholesale)

4. Lemon

Lemon is such a refreshing oil and has a wide variety of uses.

How to apply: Can be diluted with Lavender and Peppermint to support allergies.

It is great for immune system support and can also be added to water for a detox drink at anytime during the day and most especially in the morning.

If you are using Lemon on your body, because it is a citrus oil be careful not to go out directly into the sun for a couple of hours. Best to take internally in this regard or to apply to the soles of the feet if they are not going to be exposed to sunshine!

Diffusing Lemon has an uplifting effect and is good for focus.

It can also come in handy to clean surfaces such as airport trays if you are travelling with children and want to feed them but, are concerned about cleanliness.

Price €9.00 (wholesale)

5. Whisper (Woman’s Monthly Blend)

It can be hard when school is out and children need to be kept entertained.

The Whisper blend is a blend of Clary Sage, Lavender, Bergamot, Roman Chamomile, Cedarwood, Ylang Ylang, Geranium, Fennel, Carrot Seed, Palmarosa and Vitex.  Vitex has been studied for its abilities to regulate estrogen levels.

It is a great emotional and hormonal balancer and can be worn as a perfume. Imagine wearing an oil which acts as a perfume and also is causing a wonderful affect on our emotional wellness at the same time!

It is calming, sooths nervous tension, helps relieve symptoms of stress and agitation as well as balancing the hormones. It is also a great blend for PMS symptoms and menopausal issues.

How to apply: Topically.  Apply to chest, abdomen or back of neck as required.   It can also be diffused.

Cost €21.50 (wholesale)

6. Helichrysum

Helichyrsum is best known for its restorative qualities for the skin.   It is the oil added to beeswax and other ingredients when making natural sunscreen.

It is also calming and has an anti ageing affect on the skin.

Who needs synthetic beauty products when we have such a wonderful natural substitute in this oil?

It is also a great detoxifier of the body and it supports circulation.

How to apply: It can be applied topically or diffused.

Cost €75.00 (wholesale)

For more information on any of the doTerra oils you can contact me at doloresagavin@gmail.com.  Please check with me how to get the wholesale (25% discount) prices.


Feeling Like A Fish Out Of Water .. Is It Time To Plunge Deeper?

Have you ever felt like the odd one out, the fish out of water and all you want to do is get out of that suffocating fish tank where you keep going round and round in circles getting no where?

Our Inner Glass Ceiling

Freedom from that fish tank could be likened to breaking through our own inner glass ceiling that has us stuck doing the same old same old and, thereby manifesting the same old same old.

Where’s the Treasure Chest?

Like any good fish tank there is always a treasure chest somewhere. There is always a glimmer of hope for something better.   Sometimes the treasure chest may seem to be too far below for us to reach or maybe scary sharks surround it.   But remember these are our own beliefs and thoughts about the situation and not necessarily truths.

Inside that treasure chest lie jewels, hidden truths to set us free.   It takes courage to plunge below the safety level and go deep into unknown territory and deeper waters to find what is in there.

The first step to freedom

Courage is certainly the first step to freedom.   Sure it’s scary but so too is a realisation that we are stuck where we are until we decide to change … if we want to change of course!

Like a gold fish going round and round in his fish bowl seemingly doing the same endless circle sometimes we find we need to stop awhile. We need to put the anchor down and assess what is really going on.   We can’t do this with endless going, going and going and endless doing, doing and doing.   We need to stop and take stock of the reality.

Who is holding the key to the treasure chest?

We can tap into our emotions and find out which one is holding us back.   What or who is holding the key?   Maybe a limiting belief that we can’t afford to be what it is we want to be?   Maybe we feel we aren’t tall enough, we are too fat, too thin, too pretty, too plain? Maybe we are judging ourselves by what someone else is saying and doing or by what society tells us.

What will it take to plunge into the unknown and release and let go what is stuck?  

Remember that beliefs, thoughts and emotions are just pieces of energy and energy want to move. Let go the ones that are holding you back!

Emotional Freedom Technique

A great tool to help uncover those stuck gems is tapping or EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique).   It gets all that energy moving and allows what is not needed to dissolve.   Click here to learn how to do it.

We don’t have to be stuck going round and round in the glass bowl, we have the power within and already hold the key to the treasure chest. Go on anchor yourself and dive deep to take a peek.

Until next time keep the faith. Dolores Andrew-Gavin, Author, Soul Care Practitioner, doTERRA Wellness Advocate and Energy Therapist.


Medicine from Mother Nature’s Medicine Cabinet

Why I use doTerra essential oils

Medicine From Nature

Essential oils are aromatic volatile liquids that are distilled from the seeds, flowers, stems, bark and other parts of plants and trees. doTerra’s essential oils have no stabilisers, no addictives and no synthetic ingredients added.   As such they are of a very high vibration and are medicine directly from Mother Nature’s medicine cabinet.

How do the oils work?

When someone comes to me for an energy session the principle of resonance and entrainment comes into play.   When a sick part of a body is held in the high vibrational field of energy created during an energy session, the intention is that through the principle of resonance and entrainment the low vibrational energies come to match the high vibrational ones.   That is why people often feel sensations during an energy session.   They often report tingling and feel energy moving.

When we use doTerra essential oils we are using an oil with a very high vibration.   It has not been infused with anything synthetic.   The plants and trees have these oils as part of their makeup for a specific reason, for example the oil in a lavender plant protects it from sunlight damage, bacteria, insects and immediate decay.

Natural medicine as its best

Ingredients from the earth have been used successfully and effectively for thousands of years.

For example the active ingredient in Aspirin, acetyl salicylic acid, is a synthetic derivative of a compound called salicin which occurs naturally in plants and most especially the willow tree.   This particular ingredient was used effectively for thousands of years in its natural state for relief of pain. So what was done was this wonderful naturally occurring ingredient was taken into a lab and synthetically reproduced to give us Aspirin, as we know it now.

What we get with doTerra essential oils is natural medicine for support and maintenance for our overall health and wellbeing.

How do the oils work on an emotional level?

DoTerra essential oils work at both the physical and emotional level.   When we inhale these oils the molecules pass through our olfactory system and enter our limbic brain, which is the emotional centre of our brain.   Here they have the ability to support us at an emotional level. For example if we want support for feeling calmer we would choose an oil that has calming properties.

Also present in the limbic brain is a gland called the amygdala. It was discovered in the 1980’s that this particular gland plays a large role in the storing and releasing of emotional trauma. (LeDoux 2003, LeDox et al., 1988, Iwata et al, 1986 Le Doux et all. 1989).   It was found that one way to stimulate this gland was by smell.

DoTerra essential oils which contain chemical constituents known as sesquiterpenes are known to be able to go beyond the blood brain barrier (Wang et al, 2012, Zhang et al., 2009).   Frankincense and Sandalwood are two oils which contain these constituents. The ability to cross the blood brain barrier is essential for the treatment of brain diseases and disorders.

How do I know which oil to use?

We choose an oil depending on its chemical constituents to support the body system or emotional state we wish to help. Monoterpenes occur in practically all essential oils and are responsible for different activities. Many of them inhibit the accumulation of toxins and aid the kidneys and liver in releasing existing toxins.   Some are antiseptic, antibacterial, antihistaminic, antitumor to name but a few.

How to use doTerra essential oils

Depending of which oil you use you can apply them directly to your body (topically), diffuse them or ingest them.   You should always check the label of the particular oil you choose for proper usage.

Many doTerra essential oils are safe to use during pregnancy, during the birthing process and for young children.   They offer great support for the physical and emotional effects that being pregnant and being a new Mum brings.   Dads and the rest of the family can also benefit from the oils being diffused!

How do I get doTerra’s essential oils?

If you have an interest in essential oils it is a good idea to speak to someone who knows which essential oils best support you and your family.   I offer complementary wellness consultations for anyone interested in finding out more.   It is a good way to know which oils to start using and how to get them at the best price.

The above information is for educational purposes about doTerra essential oils only and is not meant to diagnose or treat any symptoms or illnesses.   The information is not intended as a substitute for medical counselling. You should always check with your own health physician before commencing any medicinal procedures.   If you are not using doTerra essential oils please check the label and use accordingly.

Until next time … Dolores Andrew-Gavin, Author, Soul Care Practitioner, doTerra Wellness Advocate Energy Medicine (Reiki, EFT & Quantum Touch).